简介:For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sur
简介:风光秀丽,细腰丰胸,委内瑞拉亚马逊河流域的奥里诺科河上响彻着欢快热情的歌声。美国大使阿诺德·里吉斯与委内瑞拉外交部长瑟吉奥·科多巴正在进行政治磋商,但是好景不长,他们突然遭到食人鱼群的袭击。血雨腥风,无人生还。不久大使遇害的消息传到美国,国务卿鲍勃·格莱迪(贝瑞·威廉姆斯 Barry William
简介:Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Facebook friends to an 80s-themed surprise party for his ex
简介:Billionaire, software mogul, Adam Pi has everything in life with the exception of positive memories from High School. He begrudging goes to the 20th r
简介:圣诞节就要来临了,只身一人在加州念书的杰克(乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯 Jonathan Taylor Thomas 饰)打算利用自己的圣诞假期来一场旅行,然而,杰克的父亲希望儿子能够回到家里和家人们团聚,最终,在父亲的威逼利诱之下,杰克取消了旅行,并且还打算带上新结交的女友一同回家。 哪知道就在动身前